Hetero pool Campus Drive 13th June 2024 Freshers Bsc,Msc,bpharm,ITI for Production/QA/QC/Engineering

Hetero is a research based global pharmaceutical company focused on development, manufacturing and marketing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Intermediate Chemicals & Finished Dosages. Ever since its establishment in 1993, Hetero showed a tradition of excellence and deep sense of commitment in developing cost effective processes to offer wide range of affordable drugs.

  • Department: Production/QA/QC/Engineering
  • Qualification: BSc (chemistry)/ B Pharmacy/M.Sc.(Chemistry) Organic/ Analytical Inorganic/organic Integrated/ITI Fitter 

Job Description: Greeting from Hetero Drugs Ltd ..!!!!

  • Selection Process: The selection will be on the basis of Interview.

Walkin Interview Details:

1) Department: QC/QA

Qualification: Bpharmacy M.Sc.(Chemistry) Organic/ Analytical Inorganic/organic Integrated

Experience: Freshers 2020-24

Designation: Trainee

2) Department: Production 

Qualification: BSc (chemistry)/ B Pharmacy

Experience: Freshers 2020-24

Designation: Jr. Chemist

3) Department: Engineering 

Qualification: ITI Fitter 

Experience: Freshers 2020-24

Designation: Jr. Technician

Updated resume & academic documents

AGE: 26 below

Mail: [email protected]

Interview date: 13th June 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 9.00 am. to 3.00 p.m.

Venue: KBN college, kt opposite road Srinivas mandal, kothapet, Vijayawada-AP

Ankit Karma

Hi, I am author of this blog having 10 years of experience in pharma indusrty. Connect with me.